Short Term Letting Regulations in Dubai
Dubai enjoys all year round sunshine and maintains a strong tourism market. Homeowners in Dubai may consider offering their properties as a Holiday Home for additional revenue during the periods not in their use. Owners may also consider the short term letting as a solution to avoid the long term leasing laws which are subject to rental increase regulations and vacation notices that may seem restrictive to some Landlords.
Important considerations must be applied by owners in regards to short term letting as this is a licensed activity. Letting of holiday homes is regulated by the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing in Dubai (�DTCM�) by virtue of the Decree No. 41 of 2013.
Whether an individual person or corporate entity requirements to obtain a license from DTCM and comply with DTCM�s regulations as set out in the Decree. The Decree extends to all parts of Dubai and free zones.
License terms will be for 1 year, renewable on similar terms and DTCM do have the authority to approve an extended license term up to a maximum of 4 years upon the applicant�s request. License fees are payable.
There are 2 categories of holiday homes , deluxe or tourist class. DTCM may undertake inspections to ensure the accommodation of the holiday home meets the classification criteria.
DTCM role includes handling any complaints received against license holders or unlicensed individuals/entities involved in the business of providing holiday homes and take all necessary courses of action. They have the power to impose penalties for violation of the Decree and other resolutions passed by DTCM in this regard. Any violation of its provisions or of any resolution issued by DTCM may result in a fine ranging from AED 200 to AED 20,000. The fine amount would double in the event of a repeat violation within one year, subject to a maximum cap of AED 100,000.
In the event you require long term leasing options that will not require you as a home owner to obtain a license please contact Exclusive Links for more information.
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